Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Drill Hangover

I'm finding that I come home from drill with what I will describe as a drill hangover. On Monday, I had to avoid answering questions to avoid replying hooah to almost everything which sounds really weird if you've never been to drill. I almost snapped to parade rest when talking to my auto tech teacher (who kinda reminds me of a cranky version of Sgt Walls), I nearly yelled, "make a hole" when my friends mom had to squeeze through a group of my other friends, I felt entirely wrong standing in front of doors and defaulted to parade rest while waiting for my girlfriend to come to the door. I'm finding my only wish with the Guard is that I could spend more time on post. And of course, by the time next drill rolls around I'll have to recondition myself to do all those things again although that is becoming easier and easier the more drills I do.

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